The Dainty Damsel

2:21 AM

Hey everyone it's a beautiful day 'cause I have an exciting news to all of you! I know you've heard months ago on my instagram account that I'm working on a new blog layout, theme and 


*drum rolls*

blog name! Yay finally, I finished everything this past weeks (sorry but my lazy ass in taking charge is on high lol) As they say, change is beautiful! I made this decision because I know it's time for me to grow and upgrade as a blogger. It's really important to have your own identity in this industry.

It takes a lot of time for me to think of something new and unique blog name. So many ideas popped on my mind. But of course, I just focused on what will represent my blog - having a girly chic personality who loves anything pink!

Dainty, which means delicately small and pretty. I really see myself being simple yet always adds something that updates my entire look. I opt for having a plain outfit but I need to compliment it with accessories that will add style and vice versa.

Damsel, from Old French damoisele and means a young woman or girl. I just looked for another word for women hahaha

And also I changed the website from everythingaboutelaine to so it can be easily to find.  I think it's much better to have same social media names and website.

As for my blog theme and lay out, you can see that it's just black and white because I want it to be more simple and reader friendy. We all don't want colors that will make our sight harder to read, right?

What do you think of this newly rebranded blog, yay or nay? Let me know your thoughts and comments below! I would love to hear from you! :)

Jumpsuit from Stylestunner
Sandals from Melissa
Earrings from Forever 21

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  1. Hi Elaine! wow I like the new look of your blog :) more contents to come. :)) yaayy!

  2. Eunice Lalaine E. ReyesTuesday, 30 January, 2018

    Loving your blog name. More travel posts hopefully. Yas.

