Oh My Bag Ph: Handle Wraps - Product Review

1:26 AM

In today's fashionable and classy era, all of us are in sight of what would be the best for ourselves; from makeup, hair, clothes, accessories, bags and shoes. Just like in Taylor Swift's song, "We never go out of style". For a special feature for this blog post, I had given a chance to make a product review from Yala Bags Trading. Carrying the trade name "Oh My Bag" on its various products, Yala Bags Trading is aiming to educate, as well as to excite female bag enthusiasts with its unique and affordable bag care line of products. 

They've sent me this limited edition Handle Wraps which I've found really nice because of the color and design. And since my things are mostly pinks, I had a bit ample time to choose where will I use this but of course creativity should never go out so I play mix and match with it. 

For the first bag, I choose this pink one from Parisian because it's not that light for a color blue hand wraps. It also gives a contrast of color between the two. Somehow, pink and blue is one of my fave color combinations. Plus my top is matchy with the handle wraps, yaaay! 

For the second bag, this one is my favorite sling bag from Rubi. Whenever I go out, this has been my everyday use. Because it's black, it can be paired with any color. For the blue bag wraps, I find it perfect because it has a black  prints that is complimentary with the bag. 

Seeing bags having a new look will definitely add a chic look not only for me but to all of the girls out there. It's time for blending in those creativity juices and Oh My Bag is the answer! For more products and designs, visit: http://www.ohmybag.com.ph/  

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  1. Great way to style up bags! Thanks for sharing.
    Mica ♡ There's More to Mica // www.micadeleon.com
